Saturday, May 26, 2007


It's Alive...It's Alive...
Amit got this kick-ass template done. Deep respect, bro.

I am not a classic rock lover, just more new hard rock...but Amit is.

Pound it!!!

Rob zombie - dragu...


Neihal said...

what do they say Shek,

"its different!!"


Rowe said...

Hmmm.. this is nice... :)

Could see that you were in the process of change .. but this nice.. :) got that ancient look

Amit said...

you've got spam! :P

Abhishek said...

spam's gone. I dont want the word verification to slow down commenting. Those verification words seem to get longer and longer!

Sakshi said...

I like the template.. And big fan of the song :)

Abhishek said...

finally a chick that likes some serious music!!!